The Dyna-Tek® Profile Cushion is our entry level product, providing good postural management, along with great pressure re-distribution. This product is specifically made for users considered to be “At Risk” of pressure ulcer development. Designed mainly for use in a wheelchair but equally applicable to that of a ward or homecare environment. The Dyna – Tek Profile provides the ultimate combination of pressure care and patient comfort at an affordable price.
Unique “ischial tuberosity well” design
Creates exceptional postural management
Sculpted thigh support foam surface
Provides excellent pressure re-distribution & important patient comfort
Multi-stretch, vapour permeable cover (impregnated with an anti fungal agent)
Reduces shear & friction forces, whilst assisting infection control policies (can be laundered up to 80°C)
Non-slip base (NB: carries a price premium)
Aids moving & handling procedures, providing ultimate patient safety
Available with sag compensator
Suitable for wheelchair users