Ceramir Pediatric Crowns set a new standard in restorative dentistry for children. The patented laser sintering technology creates a homogeneous glass-like structure, giving the material a natural translucency and high-gloss surface. The crowns mimic the anatomy of primary teeth in both colour and shape. This special laser-sintering technology also makes it possible to produce Ceramir Pediatric Crowns with very thin walls. This allows you to work as minimally invasively and preserving as much tooth structure as possible.
Ceramir Pediatric Crowns combines the strength of particle-infiltrated ceramics (lithium disilicate), the aesthetics of feldspathic glass ceramics, without the brittleness of pure ceramics, and the flexibility similar to dentine. This combination of flexibility and strength creates a shock-absorbing effect that prevents damage to the opposing teeth.
The crown surface is shiny and smooth, which prevents biofilm and bacterial growth. This helps to avoid marginal staining, secondary caries, and plaque buildup.
Ceramir Pediatric Crowns are biocompatible, non-toxic, and free from Bisphenol A.
Easy handling and minimally invasive
Ceramir Pediatric Crowns are prefabricated for primary teeth of all sizes and can easily be adjusted to fit your patient's morphology. They mimic natural tooth anatomy, making occlusal adjustment easier. If there is a high occlusal point, the crown can be adjusted without cutting the opposing tooth. The crowns can also be converted to partial crowns if the clinical situation requires it.
Ceramir Pediatric Crowns enable minimal invasive preparation that preserve as much tooth structure as possible.