The DMC Backup long-term archive solution is based on an integrated complete solution of hardware, two Blu-ray burners and software. The software is able to check the database of any PACS server and it transmits DICOM-data regarding to new entries.
Interval controlled construction of backup Blu-rays
Time or amount controlled backup (for example all 24h or always after 50GB)
Assuredly protects against fire, burglary, theft and vandalism
We are convinced that only spatially stored data is the safest way of archiving and it has to be in duplicate. Archiving with expensive data Silent-Cubes runs up against its limits as soon as it has to deal with fire, burglary, theft and vandalism. Of course those things aren’t everyday occurrences but they should be taken into consideration. The DMC Backup long-term archive solution is based on an integrated complete solution of hardware, two Blu-ray burners and software. The software is able to check the database of any PACS server and it transmits DICOM-data regarding to new entries and as soon as it reaches the data volume it safes the data onto a XL 100GB Blu-ray disk. All this happens automatically and with a duplicate.
Die Langzeitarchiv Lösung basiert auf einer integrierten Komplettlösung aus Hardware, 2 Blu-ray Brennern und einer Software welche in einem beliebigen Zeitintervall oder Zeitfenster die Datenbank eines beliebigen PACS-Servers überprüft und die DICOM-Daten betreffend neuer Einträge überträgt und bei Erreichen des voreingestellten Datenvolumens auf einer XL 100GB Blu-ray Disk sichert, und zwar automatisch doppelt mit einer Kopie.