BONASIL A+ Gingival is a medium viscosity vinyl polysiloxane material suitable for the reproduction of gingival masks on master models available in two types (hard and soft). It is a precise silicone which keeps its accuracy for days due to its outstanding dimensional stability. The highest aesthetic results can be obtained because of its natural gingival colour.
BONASEP is a separator which is applied to the contact surface of silicone materials to prevent adhesion between them. It is ideal for use in combination with BONASIL A+ Gingival for the reproduction of gingiva on models. It can be applied on all the BONASIL impression materials both addition and condensation curing and is used either directly on the dry impression or on the mould.
Quick and accurate gingival reproduction master models
Characteristics - Advantages
Outstanding aesthetic result
Exceptional dimensional stability
Very high tear strength
Void free
Non sticky