Meets the requirements of doctors and midwives who appreciate mobility, unusual durability of the device and a very long, as much as 4.5 hours battery run time. Designed for a basic ultrasound scanning performed even in the most difficult site and weather conditions.
The device is quality certified ISO 13485:2016 and EC 93/42/EEC.
Have you ever tried to visit a patient with an ultrasound scanner weighing 12 kg?
Will the device made of plastic survive falling down from the height if it slips out of your hand?
How much time do you need to disinfect a scanner with a laptop keyboard and a dozen of keys?
Do you need something light, small, reliable, fast in use and disinfection? Try and make sure how easy and accurate diagnostics would be with the DRAMINSKI ultrasound scanner.
For whom is FAST?
It is for all doctors on call and midwives who work professionally in different clinics, who perform diagnostics at the bedside, who visit their patients at home or take care of patients in different places. In all these cases a mobile ultrasound scanner FAST will help you to diagnose the patient.
Light, mobile, extremely durable, ideal B mode image, 6,5-inch monitor, intuitive operating, battery run time is 4,5 hours, easy to disinfect, cooperating with multiple mechanical probes.
Where can it be applied?
With its help, depending on a probe, you will be able to carry out fast scanning of:
organs of the abdominal cavity, lungs,
pelvic (the basic gynaecological and obstetric examinations).