Avante has experience with implementing medical vacuum systems for hospital and surgery center use. The innovative control design provides users with one of the most flexible and informative operating systems available in the industry. Avante ensures your facility can take advantage of the latest in system control. Systems are offered using Becker oil-less rotary vane vacuum pumps or Pneumofore lubricated rotary vane vacuum pumps.
Arrangements include receiver-mounted pumps and modular systems which may include stackable or side-by-side module arrangements. Avante often provides custom systems to meet user requirements.
Integrated Vacuum Systems
Self-regulated system that provides surgical suction and evacuation of anesthestic waste gases from the allocated sites.
The pump interfaces with a plumbing system (provided by a contracted professional). The Vacuum Pump constantly regulates the vacuum pressure in the system. This provides the appropriate level of vacuum to the Vacuum Outlets at all times. The pump is sized proportionately to the number of vacuum outlets within the clinic (usually based upon square footage).
Vacuum Supply Outlets
The Vacuum Outlets are color coded, have uniquely sized fittings, and are installed in strategic areas (usally near the Gas Supply Outlets) for ease of use. These outlets, like the Gas Supply Outlets, can be recessed into the wall and finished attractively or hung as ceiling pendants.
Wall-Mounted Vacuum Outlets can be accessorized with vacuum regulators for surgical or airway aspiration.