76㎛ Small Pixel Size for High-Resolution Images
TRUVIEW®ART Patented Image Processing
Small CWD and LWD for Max. Imaging Area
Fast Image Acquisition and Image Transfer
Lightweight Detector
High-Resolution Indirect Mammo Detector for System Integration
High MTF & DQE with 76㎛ small pixel size and mammography optimized FOCUS CsI technology
FOCUS Scintillator Technology
FOCUS (Fluorescent Optical CsI Upgraded Structure) has more focused optical signal compared to conventional Csi. As a result, ultra low-noise is achieved by FOCUS Scintillator Technology.
High Definition Images: FOCUS CsI + TRUVIEW®ART
Image sharpness in a conventional CsI image is reduced due to light scattering. However, with DRTECH's patented reverse filtering technology TRUVIEW®ART, combined with FOCUS CsI technology, the sharpness of RSM1824TD's image is increased resulting in high-quality sharp images for detection of breast abnormalities such as micro-calcifications and micro-lesions.
Superior DQE @ Low Dose For Superior Image Quality
RSM 1824TD's high X-ray efficiency (DQE) ensures that high-quality images are acquired regardless of dose conditions.
With high low dose DQE, RSM 1824TD can help reduce the patient dose as well as extend system life-time as less dose is exposed for each image acquisition.
Optimized HW Design for Easy and Fast Integration
With 1.6kg lightweight and system integration optimized HW design, RSM1824TD can be easily and quickly be integrated with any mammography system bucky.
Also with the smallest CWD (chest wall distance) and LWD (lateral wall distance), the maximum imaging area is provided.