76㎛ Small Pixel Size for High-Resolution Images
TRUVIEW®ART Patented Image Processing
Small CWD and LWD for Max. Imaging Area
Fast Image Acquisition and Image Transfer
Lightweight Detector
High-Resolution Mammo. Detector for System Integration
High MTF & DQE with 76㎛ small pixel size and mammography optimized FOCUS CsI technology
FOCUS Scintillator Technology
FOCUS (Fluorescent Optical CsI Upgraded Structure) has more focused optical signal compared to conventional CsI. As a result, ultra low-noise is achieved by FOCUS Scintillator technology.
High Frame Rate 3D Tomo System Integration Detector
RSM 2430TD is a high-performance system integration detector for DBT and 2D breast imaging. With ~7fps high frame rate, fast image acquisition is possible.
High Definition Images: FOCUS CsI + TRUVIEW®ART
Image sharpness in a conventional CsI image is reduced due to light scattering. However, with DRTECH's patented reverse filtering technology TRUVIEW®ART, combined with FOCUS CsI technology, the sharpness of RSM 2430TD's image is increased resulting in high-quality sharp images for detection of breast abnormalities such as micro-calcifications and micro-lesions.
Superior DQE @ Low Dose For Superior Image Quality
RSM 2430TD's high X-ray efficiency (DQE) ensures that high-quality images are acquired regardless of dose conditions. With high low dose DQE, RSM 2430TD can help reduce the patient dose as well as extend system life-time as less dose is exposed for each image acquisition.