Safe treatment, with no toxic risk, absolutely indispensable for your health, beauty
and physique.
The latest generation of easy-tech instruments for the micro-injection of medicinal carbon dioxide (CO2), administered either subcutaneously or intra-dermally
Specialised Software for both standard and personalised programs
Feedback control with digital sensors for temperature, hyper and low pressure, filters and CO2 distribution
Sterile internal reservoir
‘N.P.S.’ (No-Pain System) A special pair of patented proportional valves controlled with an internal piloting micro-processor (guided by algorithms), controls the opening and therefore the amount and temperature of the gas in strict relationship with a co-efficient for the thermal expansion of the gas. Thanks to this, we can say that the system eliminates all pain during therapy.
Disposable tubes, with individual and sterile packaging without needles (needles 25-27-28-30G 13mm)
Instrumentation strictly adheres to current European regulation and Certified Medical Device CE 0068 class IIBF, Ministerial Health regulation BD/RDM 763147 – CND Z12040299
Authorized Certifying Institution