Pluto human iPS/ES cell culture medium is a chemically defined, serum-free, xeno-free medium designed to support the growth and expansion of human induced pluripotency stem cell (iPSC) and embryonic stem cell (ESC) in a feeder-free culture system. Pluto human iPS/ES cell culture medium maintains pluripotent cells without containing high levels of bFGF and other growth factors or cytokines. The succinct formulation contains the most essential components required for the maintenance of human iPSC and ESC, and maintain the full differentiation potential of pluripotent stem cells.
Each Pluto human iPS/ES cell culture medium lot is made according to a consistent manufacturing procedure and complies with rigorous quality controls ensuring a stable performance and a reliable cellular behavior.
Pluto human iPS/ES cell culture medium enables an excellent proliferation of hES cells. The study demonstrates that Pluto human iPS/ES cell culture medium has the same performance of proliferation than a commercial product.
The hESC and hiPSC cultured in Pluto human iPS/ES cell culture medium without feeder layer display compact colonies with a high nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio, prominent nucleoli, and discernible colony borders, characteristics of healthy undifferentiated pluripotent stem cells. Besides, these pluripotent stem cells express important pluripotent markers and keep the potential to differentiate into the three germ cell layers, i.e. endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm.