66 - Cases (60 purchased, 6 free)
3 - Triple Tool (Door Opener)
3 - Hip Tool (Archwire Seater)
1 - Typodont
This is a savings of = $1415 (Price of six 6-6 set, typodont, door opener).
The Norris 20/26™ Bracket System delivers an unmatched combination of free-sliding mechanics, while maintaining the highest degree of torque and rotational control. When paired with the Norris Extra Broad Archwire, it is the biggest leap forward in 3D control and Full Expression. Control Without Compromise:.020 x .026 slot delivers an unmatched combination of free-sliding performance and fine-tuned finishing. Improved Workflow: Reduces inventory, streamlines scheduling, and finishes easier. Clinical Efficiency: Enhances control and predictability, improving clinical efficiency like no other system on the market. Facial Aesthetics: Maintains optimal three-dimensional control of teeth which offers unparalleled mastery of the finer points of aesthetics.