This unique model is a meticulously crafted and flexible tool that offers a comprehensive understanding of the lumbar spine and ilium in the hands of a professional. This dynamic lumbopelvic model is designed to improve anatomical teaching, biomechanical analysis, and patient education of low back and pelvic pain.
Overview of features:
crafted from real human specimen origin, identical scale and geometric bony shape
white solid opaque L3, L4, L4, sacrum.
bone coloured ilia.
dynamic and elastic intervertebral discs at L3-L4, L4-5, and L5-1.
one-part disc at L3-4
two-part discs at L4-5 and L5-1 including the nucleus pulposus and annulus fibrosus
flexible and dynamic herniating nucleus pulposus (extrusion under load and retracts when the compression is released) a the L4-5 level
circumferential (diffuse) disc bulge at L4-5
superimposed disc protrusion at L4-5
dynamic and elastomeric simulated articular cartilage at sacroiliac joints and pubic symphysis
early degenerative changes at the SI joints with an osteophyte projection from left ilium
red colour to represent subchondrial vascularisation at all facet levels and pelvic ring joints
facet tropism (L5 inferior)
optional cauda equina with or without rootlets, simulated elastomeric acetabular hyaline cartilage
stand included