Royal is unique...
In addition to the 16 channels prodded, it offers a comfortable environment and allows detection with 32 bands.
Using 16 channels and 32 bands together makes the Earnet Royal hearing aid series unique.
On the one hand, the noise is divided into channels to get a lower sound, on the other hand, it otters clear and comfortable sound by catching the target of one band per each 250 Hz to get the sound that the patient needs according to the audiological datas with 32 bands.
Earnet Royal series opened new horizons to audio engineering by developing superior algorithms and cheered He with communications.
It shared the difficulties of the people who suffer ham hearing loss in the hardest acoustic environments and offered them superior solutions wfth a popular technology.
It reduced the enact of the noise signals that the hearing impaired people were afraid of by dividing the signals into 16 WEIRC channels. It offered us future technology by reducing the loud discomfort in 16 channels.
It prepared a desired lifestyle that protects the ear from complex noises.