•4.3 "(95 x 55mm) color LCD display, touch keys, humane Chinese user interface, built-in clock and automatic storage function parameters;
•microcomputer intelligent temperature control.
•high-speed heating design, room temperature - 180 °C temperature just 40S;
•using floating constant pressure lamination system designed to meet the paper and plastic bags, paper-dimensional bags,paper bag sealing needs;
•auxiliary cooling design, the design of cooling systems and set up joint working temperature, reduce temperature to low temperature sealing sealing the waiting time;
•advanced fiat ceramic heating elements can be dry, high temperature, long life, high thermal efficiency
•automatic fault alarm indicator, automatic détection of the working process of the various failure automatic alarm or tips.
Technical Parameters :
using hght-control technology to achieve sealing print automatically detected.
•seal left side 0 ~ 35mm adjustable;
Printing system fonctions:
•English, numbers, and in line with "YY 0466-2003 médical equipment used with médical device labels, tags,and providing information symbols" and ot
her special symbols print function, enabling the failure of regulatory requirements,batch, the operator code, pot No, pot inferior variety of Chinese printing requirements;
•sterilization date, expiration date can be automatically adjusted according to the set, no manual adjustments due to die size of the monthly number of days per month;
•built-in one printer, print font width adjustable, easy to print more content to the relative!}- narrow paper and plastic bags,printing can also press a button to tum off the need to close an entry, flexible, and efficient