Flow rate of the purified gas1700-3500
Specific consumption of irrigation liquid, l/m32,5
Water circulating in the wet gas cleaning system, m3/h7,5
Irrigation pressure, MPa0,5-3
Hourly water amount required to compensate evaporation, m3/hup to 0,5
Air-pressure, kPaup to 7,5
Chimney diameter, mm500
Chimney height, mm8000
Maximum gas temperature at the outlet, °С+30…+150
Power consumption, kW18,5
Gas cleaning factor, %up to 99
The principle of operation of the Wet Gas Cleaning system is based on the contact of a dusty gas stream with an irrigating liquid, which makes it possible to achieve purification of flue gases from various pollutants.
The choice of gas cleaning system depends on the following initial indicators:
Availability of water supply, wells, delivered water;
Composition of waste;
Required level of emissions of pollutants in flue gases;
Climatic and territorial location (size of the sanitary protection zone, ambient temperature);
Equipment dimensions.
Higher cleaning efficiency in comparison with Dry gas cleaning systems;
Quenching of gases prevents the recombination of dioxins and furans;
Less waste in comparison with Dry gas cleaning systems.