Our goal is to improve your HVAC system performance and indoor air quality cost efficiently. Highly trained air filtration specialists will survey your HVAC systems and tailor air filtration solutions based on your goals and the operational conditions. Goals can be qualified, such as minimizing filter and energy cost, improving cooling capacity and indoor air quality, reducing the waste stream, and reducing the facility’s carbon footprint.
How Our Approach Can Help Solve your HVAC Air Quality Challenges
Selection of the Best Filter Technology/Solution
Once we understand your operational goals we select the best filter technology/solution to meet your needs. We do not represent any specific filter manufacturer, which so our engineering approach allows us to select from a large filter portfolio that leverages the newest technology advances. We make new filter solutions available to you for continuous operational improvements.
Managing Filter Life Cycles
The filter life cycle is determined by the type of filter media, the quantity of filter media per square foot of filter face area (called filter surface area) and the design/construction of the filter. All Nalco filters are designed for a long filter life, reducing the required filter replacement cycles. The life for a specific filter can vary widely based on the account and operational conditions.
Most facilities have traditionally managed the replacement cycles of air filters by adhering to industry standards, which often provide a poor rule of thumb for filter management. Loading conditions depend on a lot of factors, such as ratio of return air and make-up air, air quality,