A precision 70% scale 3D model of an actual COVID-19 patient’s lungs, from CT scans taken on day 14 of infection.
On the model, you can clearly see in yellow the inflammatory pus and scarred tissue that sits within the airways that was stopping the patient getting oxygen into their blood.
COVID-19 has impacted almost every aspect of our lives and the medical community are still learning more about this invisible disease every day.
As we emerge from the second wave of COVID-19, ESP is playing its part in helping to transform how doctors understand the effects of the virus.
Working with the respiratory team at the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, we have produced a precision 70% scale 3D model of an actual COVID-19 patient’s lungs, from CT scans taken on day 14 of infection.
While the patient survived, there may well be long term damage caused by the virus.
On the model, you can clearly see in yellow the inflammatory pus and scarred tissue that sits within the airways that was stopping the patient getting oxygen into their blood.
The model was produced using machine learning algorithms powered by AWS and Formlabs Form 3 printing technology, with the lungs split into 8 parts, which were then joined together after printing with precision placed magnets.
Splitting the model enables it to be opened up and provides a range of views of just how deep the infection is, delivering unique insights into the virus and how it affects the patient’s lung.