Edwards’ Swan-Ganz advanced technology pulmonary artery catheters offer a hemodynamic profile delivered by a single catheter to help clinicians assess cardiovascular function and guide treatment decisions.
HemoSphere advanced monitoring platform offers patient management across a diversity of patient profiles and care settings.
Swan-Ganz pulmonary artery catheters give you a hemodynamic profile—delivered by a single catheter*—to help guide treatment strategy. For a continuous view of cardiac function that can enable earlier intervention, choose the catheter with the parameters that best suit your clinical approach and your patient’s needs.
Swan-Ganz Advanced Technology catheters offer Continuous Cardiac Output (CCO) which continuously monitors cardiac output.
CCO thermodilution catheters allow for continuous calculation and display of cardiac output
HemoSphere advanced monitor uses thermal energy to calculate cardiac output using thermodilution principles
Alternatively, cardiac output can be measured using the traditional bolus thermodilution method