Nubes is the hygienic device of EFFEGI BREGA®. Through the nebulization of the hygienic mixture Iginubes, this device allows to hygienically clean work environments and surfaces in the absence of the operator.
Main features
Specific IGINUBES mixture composed of Isopropanol and Quaternary ammonium salts.
Active against BACTERIA: 99.99% abatement.
Active against MOLDS: 96.15% abatement.
Active against coronaviruses (CoV): quaternary ammonium salts are recognized to be effective by the Italian Higher Institute of Health (ISS) and the American EPA.
Tested and certified by a Class 3 laboratory (Class 4 only Spallanzani di Roma and Sacco di Milano).
At the end of the cycle the environment is accessible without any PPE.