The patient-friendly Geodesic EEG System (GES) 400 is the fastest and easiest-to-use clinical EEG system EGI has ever made, featuring a smart amplifier and advanced Net Station 5 software running on the latest Apple computers. The clinical applications for the GES 400 include:
• Routine EEG
• Long term monitoring
• Pediatric neurology
• Neuroimaging
What is Geodesic EEG?
best eeg quote
Over 20 years ago Electrical Geodesics, Inc. (EGI) revolutionized EEG with Geodesic EEG technology. Using a net structure to hold the electrodes in place, Geodesic EEG allows all electrodes to be applied simultaneously – from 32 channels for routine exams up to 256 channels for source estimation. All Geodesic EEG systems provide superior whole head coverage over traditional caps while including the standard 10/20 sensor arrays.
Geodesic Sensor Net for EEG recording
The Geodesic Sensor Net
You and your patients will love the easy, comfortable Geodesic Sensor Net (GSN).
the GSN can be applied in minutes and removed in seconds
no need for multiple, time-consuming head measurements, painful scalp abrasions, or glues
no sedation or restraints needed for infants and children with behavioral challenges
Net Station 5 software features an intuitive interface for fast EEG data acquisition and review.
optimized for reviewing from the traditional 10-20 montage up to 256 channels of data with ease and speed
simultaneously view EEG chart, topo plot, and topo map
create and save custom workspaces for optimizing your clinic’s workflow