Leksell GammaPlan is a sophisticated treatment planning and management software specifically designed to meet your intracranial radiosurgery needs. It provides specialized tools that make full use of the advanced technology in this integrated system, while ensuring safe and efficient workflows.
Complete complex radiosurgery plans within minutes
Fast and intuitive dose planning: Leksell Gamma Knife Lightning helps achieve quick dose planning, even for complex cases such as multiple brain metastases.
Quick dose planning, even for complex cases such as multiple brain metastases, achieved with Leksell Gamma Knife Lightning.
DICOM RT interoperability: Leverage data generated by external systems through DICOM RT interoperability.
Flexible image-oriented workspace: Supports DICOM image studies obtained from MRI, CT, CBCT, and PET scans as well as X-ray angiograms.
Convolution —Increased dose accuracy near heterogeneities.
Optional MOSAIQ connectivity providing seamless integration with MOSAIQ Oncology Information System for complete patient charting and a streamlined clinical workflow.
Optional AtlasSpace brain atlas and target definition relative to the intercommisural line to support functional treatments.
Flexible workflows expanding possibilities for SRS
Leksell GammaPlan supports a range of frameless and framebased workflows for treatment planning and delivery with Gamma Knife.
Improved usability for enhanced planning experience
Automated treatment planning with Leksell Gamma Knife Lightning
Meeting the increased demand for automated and personalized intracranial SRS