Dual inlet technology is the most precise, accurate and sensitive technique for pure gas, carbonate and water analysis. Because of this, the iso DUAL INLET has a unique role in the paleoclimate applications where instrumental precision contributes directly to the precision of paleoclimate models. Whilst the world's climate continues to behave erratically, we must try to understand what has happened throughout Earth's history before we can attempt to predict what might happen in the future. To elucidate this complicated story, the iso DUAL INLET is a valuable tool for paleoclimatologists to build a detailed understanding of the past to better inform policy makers who might just be able to influence the future of our planet.
Highlights of the iso DUAL INLET
High sensitivity
enables the analysis of both large and small sample volumes, even small volume CO2 samples
High precision measurements
of carbonate and water samples, with the world’s highest precision in δ¹⁸O analysis of water samples
Small footprint
ideal for busy laboratories who value lab bench space
High operating comfort
thanks to a high level of automation and low maintenance
Analyze the smallest to the largest samples with ease
The iso DUAL INLET provides a high dynamic range for sample analysis which means you can analyze the smallest foraminifera sample to the largest without consideration.
This is achieved by the complete, automatic software control of two stepper-motor driven high compression ratio bellows. In addition, the patented micro-volume automatic cold finger allows the analysis of very small samples.