From low temperature to high temperature
for granting the best versatility!
Further to the traditional continuous emission mode, TRC is also offering pulsed emission mode.
Pulsed emission mode is useful for performing treatments while warm is quite contraindicated, such as recent traumas, but
also when vascular, dermatologic pathologies are treated.
As usual for a thecartherapy, HC TRC is offering unipolar applications by using large
neutral electrode and the Intereacvive Probe.
Interactive Probe represents the biggest revolution into the thecar therapy field. PAGANI, first all over the World, introduced IP
where all functions are displayed and the
operator may set power from the relevant
switches. IP is also offering the opportunity
to keep the same electrode and shifting from
Resistive to Capacitive or viceversa by using
the sophisticated electronic device. So, the
operator doesn’t lose time for changing electrode.
BIPOLAR application is allowing the operator to avoid neutral electrode and delivering
energy locally where the electrode keeps in
touch with the patient’s skin. It is useful for
treating small parts of the body, such as face
(sinusitis, rinitis, wrinkles, stimulating collagen, etc.), cheloidis, for treating cellulite and
oedema, vascular diseases.
MCS: Magnetic Coupling System
MCS has been studied exclusively from PAGANI for
allowing coupling of each electrode to the Interactive Probe by using a special magnetic attraction,
without any connector for making easier and safer
every connection.