The ZEPHYRUS® Vacuum Pump Manifold System, including a ZEPHYRUS® Vacuum Manifold UNI and a ZEPHYRUS® Vacuum Pump, takes vacuum instead of time-consuming centrifugation to pull samples through membrane and hence not only saving your time but also simplifying process by eliminating the repetitive works, such as dispensing solution, running and stopping centrifugation. Additionally, the manifold reduces sample handling to a minimum by allowing parallel and simultaneously processing of up to 24 mini columns, 8 midi or maxi columns, and 96-well extraction plates.
ZEPHYRUS® Vacuum Pump Manifold System can be used for both 96-well extraction plate and spin columns (by inserting luer connectors), which makes it a great tool to pair with ELIGENE® Viral RNA/DNA FAST 96 Vacuum Isolation Kit. It is especially useful for those laboratories requiring saving time and space.
Plasmid DNA, single-stranded phage DNA, RNA, genomic DNA, viral nucleic acids, DNA cleanup from
PCR and other enzymatic reactions.
One system meets all needs
Coupling Manifold together with Pump yields into a complete set of vacuum purification system ready to immediate usage in your lab for high throughput extraction of nucleic acids.
Easily fits into Biohazard boxes, which are required to be used when working with serious pathogens (e.g. SARS-CoV-2), thus no extra room is needed in order to implement vacuum system into your extraction protocol.
Quiet operation
ZEPHYRUS® Vacuum Pump is low noise oil-free pump with adjustable vacuum and no air pollution.