The 200 Series GC was originally created out of an idea to be able to offer a compact, simple to operate, afforable gas chromatograph for education that didn’t compromise on analytical performance. To achieve these requirements we knew we would have have to take a different approach from other GC manufacturers and radically rethink what a GC could be.
The Heat Exchanger
The Heart of the 200 Series GC is its unique flow through oven and heat exchanger system. In most conventional GC’s ambient air is drawn into the oven it then passes through a heater to heatthe air and ultimatly the oven. Whilst an effective and proven trechnique the energy and heaters required to heat ambient air to temperatures used in GC are considerable.
In the 200 Series GC, we use a unique heat exchanger system. This allows air to pass into the GC through one side of the heat exchanger, through a heater and into the oven. The Oven is specifically designed so that incoming air circles the oven creating a consistant temperature profile before exiting back out via a heat exchanger. As the hot air from the oven passes back out via the heat exchanger it transfers much of its heat to the incoming air passing through on the other side. This retention of heat within the GC makes the heating process many times more efficent meaning less power is required and consequently smaller heaters can be used.
When it comes to cooling down the Heat Exchanger can be bypassed allowing ambient aire to pass through the oven to rapidly cool.