The EME vibrating acoustic waves work on non-invasive body remodeling, counteract skin laxity, localized adiposity and imperfections caused by cellulite. The propagation of the waves inside the skin tissue releases energy which, once it reaches the fat cell, facilitates its destruction. It also promotes the reduction of nodules in the fi brotic areas, stimulates the regulation of blood fl ow and microcirculation, with a clear improvement of the epidermis which is visibly more compact and toned.
Guaranteed results
The use of the liporeducing acoustic waves of EME Estetica is one of the most eff ective non-invasive methods in the treatment of cellulite, even in the most advanced fi brous-sclerotic state and in the reduction of localized adipose accumulations. Reshape Plus is the result of careful research and experimentation by our team of experts, who have always been in support of professionals in the advanced aesthetics sector.
Indicated for:
• Body shaping
• Cellulite I-III
• Water retention
• Localized adiposity
• Tissue toning