Cavitation is a non-invasive selective technology that uses low frequency ultrasound (30 to 70 KHz). This lipolytic action device is used in the medical fi eld for the non-surgical reduction of localized fat and cellulite blemishes. (P.E.F.S)
Guaranteed results
Ultracav reduces the imperfections of cellulite and localized adiposity by remodeling the body in a totally painless and non-invasive way, unlike other methods such as aesthetic liposuction.
Targeted action for immediate effects
1 Reduction of the orange peel appearance and localized adiposity
2 Body contouring
3 Oxygenation and revascularization of asphyxiated skin
4 Drainage of stagnant liquids
5 Absorption of revitalizing or lipolytic active ingredients
6 Improvement of the tone and elasticity of tissues
Indicated for:
• Lipolytic effect
• Reduction of the orange peel appearance and localized fat deposits
• Body remodeling
• Oxygenation and revascularization of asphyxiated skin
• Drainage of stagnant liquids
• Absorption of revitalizing or lipolytic active ingredients
• Improvement of skin tone and elasticity fabrics