The motion cross 600 is a popular machine for not too weak trainees who appreciate the upright body posture and comprehensive activation.
The motion cross 600 is a very popular training machine. Its allure comes from its popularity with the users and the upright posture with which the exercise is performed. More and more people work in a sitting position and need a balance to this posture when exercising or when doing therapy.
It is easy to learn the exercise so that few personnel are tied to training people. In comparison to other machines on the market, the movement is very round and joint-friendly.
Since this machine is optionally available as a medical product as well, the low minimum step-on height of 18 cm is very beneficial.
low access height of 18 cm
forward and backward movement possible
ergonomic correlation of arm and leg movement
big, anti-slip footsteps
3 programs: Quick, Watt, Pulse
rpm-dependent and rpm-independent programs
multicolour backlight with bio-feedback
rpm limit for extra safety
coded Polar® pulse receiver
RS232 interface