The defibrillator enables monitoring of ECG from 3 and 5 leads ECG cable, arterial pressure measured by non-invasive (NIBP) and invasive (IBP) methods, saturation (SpO2), temperature and end tidal carbon dioxide (CO2).
It can be used for performing cardioversion and pacer in asynchronous or synchronous mode.
Adult and pediatric defibrillation is made by usage of hard paddles and disposable electrodes. A defibrillator can be purchased together with a dedicated crash cart or a special bag which makes its transport easier.
DefiMax Plus enables monitoring of patient’s vital signs, such as: ECG, pulse oximetry (SpO2), arterial pressure measured by non-invasive (NIBP) and invasive (IBP) methods, temperature, respiration and end tidal carbon dioxide (etCO2).
The energy impulse is precisely adjusted to patient’s physical parameters, thanks to the analysis of the impedance during the impulse delivery. The use of this technology allows to minimize an injury of the heart muscle, relating to the delivery of too high defibrillation energy comparing to the energy chosen by a user. The device can perform defibrillation in a manual, synchronous (cardioversion) or automatic (AED) modes. A transcutaneous pacemaker allows work in asynchronous or synchronous modes