In an emergency situation, it can provide the first intervention of a patient and if it is necessary it can transport the patient to a hospital. B type ambulances have high technical equipments and have the ability to intervent to any emergency situation with a doctor.
Oxygen System
Extended Fiberglass Roof
Air Conditioning System for the Patient’s Cabin
Cabinets for Medical Equipment’s and Electrical Outlets
Panel for Installation of Medical Equipment’s such as Defibrillator, Ventilator, Suction Pump,
Syringe Pump and etc.
Rear Camera with Monitor
Intercom (Communication system)
Oxygen System
On-Board Internal Suction Pump with Suction Gauge, Regulator and 1Ltr Autoclaveable Suction Jar
Technician’s Seat with Seat belt
General & Complete various LED Lighting of Patient’s Cabin
Control Panel
Rear Step
Platform for Stretcher and Spinal Board