The recently introduced Sonopuls 190 from Enraf-Nonius is a highly appreciated device for ultrasound therapy with multi-frequency treatment heads. A modern device with an extremely quick start-up and a full colour touchscreen to easily set-up your treatment parameters or to select any of the 25 evidence based treatment protocols. The compact and ergonomic design makes this small device a big asset for the therapist.
A device that truly gives fast therapeutic results!
Did you ever think how ideal it would be if you could conduct your ultrasound treatments without having to sit with the patient, moving the treatment head over the injured tissue? And wouldn’t it be great if you could really transmit ultrasound energy right there where you need it and only there! This is no longer a dream, StatUS™ makes it possible! Not only is this treatment more beneficial to your patients, but it also saves you time in order to conduct other activities. Imagine the significant cost savings in the future!