Halo P Smart air purification stations capture viruses, bacteria, allergens and all particulate matter at the source and permanently trap them in a high-efficiency filter with multiple layers of bonded glass microfibers.
Perfectly decontaminated air.
Originally developed to capture pathogens (viruses, bacteria, etc.) from the air in biology laboratories, Halo P Smart air purification stations are recommended for any enclosed or poorly ventilated public space.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, they are particularly suitable for areas where wearing a mask is impossible (restaurants, staff and school canteens, etc.) or difficult (gyms), as well as in places where social distancing is difficult (enclosed offices, elevators, etc.).
Halo P Smart is particularly suitable for treating the air in enclosed public spaces.
Classrooms and libraries
Hotels and restaurants
Dining rooms and canteens
Cultural spaces
Cinemas, theatres, etc.
Other enclosed spaces
Gyms, elevators, etc.
The most powerful filters on the market for tackling the coronavirus.
ERLAB equips its Halo P air purification stations with a laboratory grade HEPA H14 particulate filter or, if necessary, an ULPA U16 particulate filter for situations posing the highest health risks.
Compliant with the EN 1822 particulate filtration standard, the HEPA and ULPA filters provided for the Halo P ensure ultra-low particle penetration and can achieve a pollution-free air filtration efficiency of between 99.995% (HEPA H14 filter) and 99.999995% (ULPA U17 filter), which is 10 to 1000 times more powerful than other air filtration systems currently on the market.