The facial ultrasound simulator contains the following muscles:
M. frontalis, M. temporalis, M. orbicularis oculi, M. risorius, M. zygomaticus major & minor, M. levator labii, M. buccinator, M. levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, M. orbicularis oris, M. depressor labii inferioris, M. mentalis, M. masseter.
Experience a new dimension in medical imaging with the advanced ultrasound simulators from Erler-Zimmer take medical imaging to a new dimension.
These ultrasound simulators offer true-to-detail, realistic images of human anatomy and enable practical training in sonography.
The simulators are characterised by their first-class workmanship and exceptional image quality. They offer realistic images - ideal for use in the training of doctors, sonographers and medical
and medical professionals.