This double life-size model shows all the essential structures of the human heart in great detail. Several parts are removable and show the atria, ventricles and heart valves. The left heart ear can be removed along with the pulmonary artery, showing the atrium below. The left ventricle can also be opened, and the right ventricle and atrium can also be opened through a valve made of the right heart ear and myocardium. On this model, the heart muscles in section and the coronary vessels can be seen very well. In addition, the model shows bypasses to the A. coronaria dextra, to the Ramus interventricularis anterior and Ramus circumflexus of the A. coronaria sinistra.Heart muscle, fatty tissue, arteries and veins are hand-painted in detail, the structures are described on the key card (German/English). The model is made of unbreakable plastic and is removably mounted on a base.