With its Valveless Technology, the patient minimizes the respiratory load and the risk of infection.
Powerful High Frequency Oscillation Feature
User-friendly Interface
High Flow Oxygen Therapy Feature (This feature is only available in SLE 6000 Model.)
EtCO2 and SpO2 Measurement Feature (This feature is only available on SLE 6000 Model.)
OxyGenie CustomityTarget saturation provides optimal oxygenation of the patient (this feature is only available on the SLE 6000 model).
Nazal HFO feature (this feature is only available on SLE 6000.)
NCPAP application with Single-Line and Dual-Line Nazal cannula (this feature is only available on SLE 6000.)
14 days Trending capability (this feature is only available on SLE 6000.)
3 hours Internal Battery feature