Complete kit dedicated to remodeling, biopsy, osteotomies in thin crests and blocs harvesting.
6 T-Black tips sold also individually.
Round chisel for remodelling and biopsy. Sharpened.
Flat chisel sharpened on three edges, used for osteotomies and extraction of included teeth. Sharpened.
5-teeth saw for high efficiency osteotomies for biopsy. Saw shaped.
Flat chisel for osteomies in thin crest and cut teeth apexes blocs harvesting. Sharpened.
Flat chisel serrated on both sides for osteotomies, bone remodelling. Sharpened and serrated.
Trapezium shaped chisel for remodelling and biopsy. Sharpened.
Your “basic” kit to start with Surgysonic devices
availability of high efficiency saw or chisel inserts to suit
procedures such as osteotomies, remodeling, bone harvesting and
improved sharpness to allow a better cutting performance