G-scan Open: The new open upright MRI system for spine and joints
Enhance the diagnostic precision with a distinctive and tailored approach with G-scan Open, leading to meaningful impacts on individuals' well-being. The adaptable and open design revolutionizes the scanning process for patients since numerous symptoms and conditions, related especially to the spine and joints, manifest more clearly when the patient is in a weight-bearing position.
G-scan Open is a revolutionary MRI approach for elevating assurance in surgical planning and spinal diagnosis. Beyond conventional MRI.
The key to confidence:
* 23 sq.m - ONE ROOM MRI SYSTEM - Minimum space of installation, plug and play system.
* 12x - DEDICATED MULTI-PURPOSE COILS - Designed for the spine and joints.
* 2x - DEDICATED SEQUENCES - Possibility to combine weight-bearing exam with dynamic imaging.
* <3kW - SUSTAINABLE MRI - Low power consumption
APPLICATIONS: imaging portions of the upper limb, including the hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, arm and shoulder, imaging portions of the lower limb, including the foot, ankle, calf, knee, thigh, hip, imaging the temporomandibular joint (under license), imaging the cervical, the thoracic spine, the lumbar and the sacral sections as portions of the spinal column, and imaging the head (under license).
"The benefits of the G-scan include its open-design magnet, which makes it a non-claustrophobic system for patients. Additionally, it is significantly quieter, making it a valuable option for pediatric patients."
Courtesy of Glan Clwyd Hospital - Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board - UK