O-scan VET: extremity Vet MRI for small animals and equine.
The O-scan VET is an Esaote Dedicated MRI system that represents one of the most versatile solution to meet an increasing demand of MRI procedures in veterinary field, driven by a rising population of domestic pets and the corresponding increase of small clinics located in big cities; the super light O-scan VET system has got one of the smallest footprints on the market and the fastest economic return.
This system has a complete set of dedicated optimized coils and full set of pre-defined sequences and protocols for veterinary purpose.
Real-time imaging tool for animal positioning.
Standard available anesthesia equipment can be used.
O-scan VET is a Magnetic Resonance (MRI) device that produces transversal, sagittal, dorsal, and oblique cross-section images of the internal structure of the animal anatomy. It can be used for smal animals and equine:
- small breeds:
Neurocranium, Splanchnocranium Cervical, Cervico-Thoracic, Thoraco-Lumbar, Lumbo-Sacral Carpus, Elbow, Hip, Paw, Shoulder, Stifle
- large breeds:
Carpus, Elbow, Hip, Paw, Shoulder, Stifle
EQUINE: Hoof, Feltock, Carpus
- 0.31 T
- open permanent technology
Interview to Dr. Tom Stinner ’’Equine orthopedic MRI: more accurate diagnosis - Esaote, see at:
Technology and features are device/configuration-dependent. Specifications subject to change without notice. Information might refer to products or modalities not yet approved in all countries.