Flexi-Flange® utilizes all the benefits of the patented Flexi-Post while incorporating a countersunk flange to provide stability in situations where there is inadequate coronal dentin and excessive occlusal forces.
The Benefits of the Patented Flexi-Flange:
Cuts into dentin rather than pushing it away.
Closes upon insertion to deliver maximum retention with minimal stress. Removes all dentinal debris, enhancing ease of placement.
The head is highly compatible with Ti-Core®, Ti-Core® Natural, other composites, glass ionomers and amalgam. The vertical and horizontal grooves eliminate rotation of core material.
Protects retention of the post in
any tooth with inadequate dentin.
Maximizes dentin-to-metal contact
to distribute destabilizing stresses
over a large area. Reduces stress
concentrations at any one point.1-2
Solidifies the entire restoration for
optimum resistance to micromovement and resulting wear.
Closes on insertion to deliver
maximum retention with minimal
All three tiers combine to:
Distribute functional stresses to
the strongest part of the root.8-10
Provide resistance to post loosening and root/post fracture.8-10
Predictable method of post placement for every clinical situation.
Meets all your post needs