Cloo can be adjusted to three different heights. It can also be set with a slight anterior tilt if reduced mobility in the hip and knee joints restricts the ability to sit down and stand up. It has a discreet and soft design to blend in with the bathroom interior.
Functional arm supports
Cloo is available with or without arm supports. The arm supports are foldable but can be fixed in a folded down position if required. They are also detachable. Cloo can be used with only one arm support if there is limited space around the toilet.
It has a discreet and soft design to blend in with the bathroom interior.
Easy height adjustment
To change the height, the spacers are easily added or removed without the use of any tools.
Facilitates standing up
Cloo can be set with a slight anterior tilt if reduced mobility restricts the ability to stand up.
Removable seat unit
Cloo seat unit has smooth surfaces for easy cleaning and can easily be removed without the use of tools.