The medical central gas supply system plays a significant role in modern hospitals.The appropriate design and setup of medical gas equipment are essential for the hospitals to ensure medical quality, as well as to save the lives and ease the pain of patients in a timely manner.The medical center gas supply system is mainly composed of the gas station, gas pipelines, medical gas monitoring and alarming system, bed head unit, gas terminal, electrical system, medical calling system and auxiliary equipment system.
ETR can do paid services of on-site startup, commissioning, installation supervision, training, by providing purchaser with the services of qualified English-speaking engineer at site. ETR shall obtain all permits and licenses required to perform the services under this Agreement.
ETR Enigineering & Technology,clients can be sure of the quality of ETR solution. ETR uses only the best suppliers and components. And all are tested & commissioned by professional Experts to make sure everything is qualified before they leave the factory.
Medical gas four safety principles:
Continuous gas supply
Sufficient flow and pressure
Gas identification
Gas Quality