MEGADYNE™ MEGA SOFT™ Reusable Patient Return Electrode is a lightweight, pressure reduction pad4 available in 1/2”, 1/4” and 1/8” thicknesses. Current flowing from the patient to the large surface area of the MEGA SOFT pad prevents high current concentration build up5 at the pad site helping ensure patient protection in the operating room.
About this Device
MEGADYNE MEGA SOFT Reusable Patient Return Electrode is a lightweight, pressure reduction pad4 available in 1/2”, 1/4” and 1/8” thicknesses. Current flowing from the patient to the large surface area of the MEGA SOFT pad prevents high current concentration build up5 at the pad site helping ensure patient protection in the operating room.
Reduction in Device Purchasing Costs
MEGADYNE MEGA SOFT Reusable Patient Return Electrodes may reduce device purchasing costs by 62% compared to sticky pads.3 They are reusable for 24 months.6 Clean/disinfect the electrode and cable after each patient use. It would take 2,0803 disposable sticky pads to cover one OR for the same 2- year period.
Reduction in Medical Waste Management Costs
MEGADYNE MEGA SOFT Reusable Patient Return Electrodes may reduce medical waste management costs by 99%.3,7 The device is environmentally friendly and can be reusable up to 24 months.6 Whereas disposable sticky pads can cause 416lbs of waste in the same 2- year period.
Features & Benefits
ADYNE MEGA SOFT Reusable Patient Return Electrode is a lightweight, pressure reduction pad4 available in 1/2”, 1/4” and 1/8” thicknesses.