A new and innovative technique combines the action of the infrared laser and the Ladylift® handpiece in order to accelerate the production and the remodeling of mucosa collagen.
Age and muscular stress often cause an atrophic process within the vagina. If not adequately treated, this likely results in dryness, sexual difficulties, itching, burning, tissue laxity and urinary incontinence.
The main cause of this is the loss of tone of the vaginal mucosa.
The Ladylift® treatment targets the vaginal mucosa. The wavelength (1470nm), combined with the controlled, radial emission of the Ladylift® handpiece, has a bio-modulating effect that stimulates neocollagenesis and regenerates the epithelium and the connective tissue. This action rejuvenates the mucosa by restoring firmness, flexibility and hydration; therefore, considerably reducing symptoms that are usually attributes to menopause. Ladylift®also has a positive effect on urinary incontinence, in many cases restoring the normal functionality.
The main advantage of using a diode laser is that the laser can penetrate deeper, targeting the mucosa, without causing an ablative thermal injury.
The handpiece design and circular emission are unique to the Ladylift®. They allow for a painless treatment. The combination also ensures that the laser evenly targets all tissue on the inner walls of the vagina.
Suggested settings are presented within the software for ease-of-use, but the physician can manually alter the settings. Additional handpieces are available for internal and external vulvar treatments, as well as aesthetic microsurgery.