High-Level Super Resolution
Resolve confocal images down to 120 nm XY resolution using the confocal technique and Olympus super resolution (OSR).
Learn more about the Olympus super resolution
*Image: Stress fibers of Hela cell: Antibody staining with Phalloidin-Alexa488 (green) for actin, Alexa 568 (red) for myosin heavy chain.
Image data courtesy of: Keiju Kamijo,Ph.D. Division of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, TOHOKU Medical and Pharmaceutical University
Suited for Live Specimens
OSR algorithms work in real time to eliminate delays caused by frame averaging or image reconstruction, providing instant super resolution images so you can get to your results faster.
This enables experimental design for super resolution to include live cell experiments, which are further improved through the ultrafast imaging speeds and multichannel acquisition capabilities of the spinning disk confocal.
EB3 proteins binding to the top of microtubles extending in HeLa live cells. EB3 proteins were GFP- labeled by means of transgenesis.
Image data courtesy of: Kaoru Kato, PhD, National Institute of Adovanced Industrial Science and Technology Biomedical Research Institute
Wide Field
Streamline Your Research
Easily integrate the IXplore SpinSR microscope system into existing experiment and sample protocols; you can switch from widefield, confocal, and super resolution using the same samples with just the click of a button— the microscope takes care of the rest.