A mobile treatment set that is equal to a stationary?
The basic of mobile EVOZONE sets new standards in this sector.
an oxygen capacity of 20 Major autohemotherapy treatments
an equipment weight lighter than 10 kg (22 lbs)
an absolutely waterproof hard case
The ozone device (same as basic plus) and a 0.8-liter oxygen cylinder with pressure regulator are stowed safely for transport, and in no time ready to use. Additional storage space for supplies and personal belongings to makes you flexible and mobile.
The basic mobile is for the most difficult conditions outside your office suitable. Whether in the most remote places in the world – or at your patients around the corner.
All the important ozone treatments with a mobile device.
The basicMobil's ozone generator is similar to the basicPlus - accordingly it has all the features of thebasic plus device
The Major Autohemotherapy is easy and safe with the basic plus:The ozone refered easily with a disposable syringe from the device, via a transfer line with integrated bacterial filter you fill the vacuum bottle withthe desired amount of ozone - only a small additional effort compared tothe automated execution of high expensive ozone devices.
The Minor Autohemotherapy and other applications by injection are carried out with the basicPlus in only a few hands. Choose the Ozone concentration by pushing buttons plus or minus You can quickly perceive the set concentration thanks to the LED-scale. Fill a syringe with only a push of a button. The labeling of the operating elements with clear icons makes the handling of the device easy and gives safety to the user.