Optic Design Aberration - Neutral, - Négative - Aspheric - Biconvex
Haptic Design “C” Design, 0'Angulation
PCO Protection 360' perfect Square edge around the optic edge
A. Constant SRK/T 117.8 /118.8
A. Constant SRK II 118.1 /119.1
Refractive Index @ 25’C 1.4933
Lens Material Hydrophobic Acrylic
Delivery System - Disposable - Injector cartridge 2.20 mm - to 2.60 mm Incission
Available Diopters
-5.0 D to + 35.0 D ( +10.0D to + 30.0 D in 0.5 D steps,
-5.0 D to + 9.0 D & + 31.0 to + 35.0 D in 1.0 D Steps)