Handy fixing straps and reinforced hanger for great fixation flexibility for use on all bed types.
Non-return valve built into the connector preventing residual urine from re-entering the foley
catheter, in the collecting bag preventing retrograde infection.
Convenient tap on the bag can be tucked away to reduce the risk of contamination from the floor,
Bottom outlets (T shape) on the bag allow convenient emptying.
Accurate 1ml graduations up to 50ml,10ml graduations up to 500ml.
Hygienic, easy-to-operate bottom outlet,allowing convenient emptying.
High Capacity, accurate meter in 500ml and urine bag in 2000ml.
Air vent secures constant airflow through the system and minimizes the risk of urinary tract infection.
Universal tapered connector with sampling port facilitates mid stream urine sampling, convenient needlefree sample port facilitates easy aseptic mid stream urine sampling and prevents contamination.
125cm long kink resistant tubing ensures the unrestricted flow of urine.