AoN Implants Kit includes all the instruments required to carry out guided surgery and has been designed to offer user-friendliness and immediacy as regards the sequence in which the series of instruments are used. The Kit contains all the drills in different lengths and diameters. They comprise a vertical stop plane that is already integrated into the drill’s design: the outcome is an enhance of surgical times, as well as a safe preparation of the healthy bone.
Surgery is simplified even more during milling sequences; we have created removable stops. The surgical procedure is intuitive and straightforward and can be performed even if the drill is inserted into the handpiece. It is enough to remove the stop towards the tip of the drill with a little pressure to separate it, and it is possible to replace it with one of a different size. This system allows the surgeon to vary the drilling depth extremely quickly, keeping the drill guided by the template, a procedure that is not always possible with other guided surgery kits. The millimeter marks in the stop allow the operator to modulate implant site preparation during the surgical procedure, always maintaining maximum control.Different types of patients are candidates for the surgery guided approach, including elderly or medically compromised patients, and people suffering from fear or anxiety of surgical procedure may benefit significantly from the use of these surgery guided approach. Finally, future improvements of the workflow from initial data capture until the final implant positioning will enhance the level of productivity at the clinical practice.