The Fanem low-temperature conservation chambers are designed to provide accurate control of the temperature within their internal environments. All the models have the same easy-to-use microprocessor control panel, and the only difference between them is the configuration of the cabinets, which come in four sizes. For each size, there is the option of shelves (for conserving immunobiological products, drugs and reagents) or drawers (for hemato-immuno conservation).
They are all monitored by "tri-sensor" technology which uses three sensors to obtain excellent stability in the process.
The chambers have no chlorofluorocarbons (CFC).
Main features
• The housing is made out of treated steel plates with a white epoxy paint finish and the internal structure can be in either polished 304 stainless steel or thermoplastic material;
• High-density, expanded polyurethane is used to ensure optimum thermal insulation;
• The vertical forced air circulation results in perfect homogenization of the air inside the chamber;
• Electronic microprocessor control with a fixed point of 4°C;
• Equipped with high and low temperature and open-door alarms that are both visual (LED indicators on the main panel) and audible;
• Blind door;
• Comes with six shelves or six drawers;
• Individual acrylic doors for each shelf;
• Comes with cryogenic bottles (Gelox), which help maintain the temperature.
Technical data
Power: 110 or 220 V (50/60 Hz)
Power consumption: 480 W