STAR02 is designed as a centralized station that allows continuous and automatic pneumatic transfer, recycling and conditioning of powder from various sources. It can be connected directly to the 3D printer, a powder removal system (MARS03), and can also be used to purify the virgin powder before it is used in the 3D printer. Powder recovery and conditioning enables significant improvements towards serial additive manufacturing production.
All functions of the machine are controlled from a user-friendly PLC unit that enables the control of all parameters and visual information on the condition of the machine and the amount of powder collected with a built-in weight measurement system in each collector. The great advantage of the described system is its' connectivity and communication with other equipment, as the STAR solution shares its working state and parameters with MARS units.
The combination of the de-powdering station MARS03 and powder recovery and conditiong unit STAR02 is a world class innovation. It enables a closed-loop inert atmosphere workflow, maintaining oxygen level well below 2%. This feature prevents contamination and oxydation of the powder during de-powdering and conditioning and brings powder reusability to new levels. Solutions like these are helping the field of additive manufacturing move further towards mass production, while reducing cost per part, bringing great added value for the most demanding industries, such as aerospace and medicine.
-Powerful vacuum extraction pump 5,5 kW
-Cyclone separator with quick-mountable exhaust HEPA 13 cartridge
-Pulse jet filter cartridge cleaning system
-Rotary valve for powder dosing made from AISI 316